What did the two Oceans say to each other? Nothing... they just WAVED!!!

Thank you all so much for your patience and participation, we as staff at the Fred Endert Pool are so excited to continue to be here for you all!

Our current office Hours are 5:30 AM- 7:00 PM Monday-Friday and Saturday 8 AM- 3:00 PM

We are closed Tuesdays 2-4 PM for staff trainings!


Free Swimming Lessons?... WHAAAAAT?!!!

We will be starting registration for the next session of lessons on Tuesday July 13th, starting at 7:30 AM. This will be the beginning of our free group swim lessons sponsored by the county! If you have a lesson credit on file we will use that for this session and then on your next session your lesson will be free through the county! Our July 26th-August 6th Session will not have morning lessons so that we can run another lifeguard class and hopefully open for more programs. Free swimming lessons will be offered to group lessons ONLY!

Here is our newest swim lesson schedule for July 26th-August 7th

There will be more schedules coming soon.

Until we see you again, Have a Swim-Tastic day!

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