General Information
Phone Numbers
(707) 464-6517
Fax: (707) 465-4405
Emergencies: Dial 911
377 J Street
Crescent City,

Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 5:30pm

New Water/Sewer Connection

City Water & Sewer Service - New Connection

IMPORTANT: Please note that the procedure below is for a location that has never had an active service.  To apply for a new Water/Sewer Account please come to the Water/Sewer Department to complete an application.  A deposit is required on all new accounts. If you have an established good payment history with the Water/Sewer Dept. that requirement may be waived. Please bring a Photo I.D. and a copy of your rental agreement, if applicable.  You may contact the Water/Sewer Dept. at 707-464-6517 if you have any questions.  

For a new sewer connection in service areas outside City limits please contact the Del Norte County Engineering Department at: 707-464-7229.

Procedure to obtain a new water & sewer connection

1. Fill out and submit a New Water Service Estimate Request. Submit the request to the Public Works office located at 377 J St. or via email using the form. Be sure to include the parcel number.

2. After receipt of the request the City will determine serviceablilty (property must front a main water line) and determine a cost.

3. If the property is serviceable, complete the Application for Conditional Water Use and Connection Permit and submit the completed application with the appropriate building permit.

4. Pay applicable fees and then a work order is generated to install service.

If you have any questions, please contact the City Public Works Department at 707-464-9506.

Residential Connection Fee Payment Options

Standard Form Connection Fee Payment Agreement & Lien