Finance Director Leaver

Linda Leaver, Finance Director

General Information
Phone Numbers
(707) 464-9506
Fax: 707-465-4405
Emergencies: Dial 911
377 J Street
Crescent City,

Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Audits and Budgets

Audit reports and budgets are shown for the most recent 10 years (except Measure S audit, which began in FY 2020-2021). If you need audit reports or budgets from earlier years, please contact the Finance Department or City Clerk.

Annual Audit Reports and Financial Statements

Annual Audit Reports - Measure S


Note: Budgets shown are the original adopted budget for the fiscal year shown. Budgets may be shifted between categories within the same fund and department with the approval of the City Manager. Budget changes affecting total appropriations or moving between funds may be approved by City Council resolution.