City Clerk Patch

Robin Altman, City Clerk

City Clerk Information
General Information
Phone Numbers
(707) 464-7483 ext. 12
Emergencies: Dial 911
377 J Street
Crescent City,

Monday - Thursday
7:30am - 5:30pm

City Clerk

The mission of the City Clerk/Administrative Analyst’s office is to be a valuable resource for citizens, staff, and Council in relation to all City issues. As the primary access point for citizens to interact with local government decision makers, the goal of the City Clerk’s office is to provide transparency for what we do and enhance understanding of why and how we do it by being, efficient, professional, and responsive. 

The basic functions of the City Clerk/Administrative Analyst’s office are the following:

  • Preparing City Council agendas per the Brown Act
  • Producing the legislative history for the City Council meetings
  • Publishing all legally required notices
  • Producing proclamations and certificates
  • Coordinating recruitment for the City’s Boards and Commissions
  • Responding to public records requests
  • Providing City document management
  • Acting as the election official
  • Performing Notary services
  • Providing topical and historical research
  • Managing Code Enforcement activities
  • Taxicab Administrator – issues all permits relating to taxicab operations
  • Compliance officer for federal, state, and local statutes including the Political Reform Act – FPPC (Fair Political Practices Commission)

Links to other agencies:

County of Del Norte

Del Norte Superior Court

Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC)

California Secretary of State